Joyeux Noël
Les jours commencent à être un peu plus long maintenant, quelques minutes chaque fois que la terre aura accompli un tour sur elle-même, jusqu’au 21 juin de l’année prochaine. Je viens de feuilleter le journal du dimanche dernier pour découvrir des articles que je n’ai pas encore lu. Et je tombe sur l’explication étymologique du mot Noël. Il vient du celte « noio hel », ce qui veut dire « nouveau soleil ». En ce qui concerne « joyeux », j’espère que vous tous aurez l’occasion de rompre la routine pour quelques jours et de prendre le recul du quotidien. Pour moi, cette période magique entre Noël et Épiphanie est l’occasion de compléter l’année et de penser aux nouveaux projets pour l’année prochaine.
No bruises on Boxing Day
The day after Christmas, no one thinks of stepping into the boxing ring. Christmas dinner in this region is just as copious as in many other parts of the world. I first became aware of this custom when my sister in law invited me to go shopping on December 26. What? I thought people were happy to stay at home after those long hours of tiring Christmas shopping! But no, in Canada Boxing Day is a holiday, and to Canadians it means shopping at spectacular prices. We went to the Ste Foy shopping center, and shortly before midday cars were beginning to fill the parking lot. Prices are from 20% to 70% off that day, and it took me only a few minutes to pick my
snow shoes, an absolute must if you want to explore the beautiful winter landscapes around here. Well, the only thing that is missing now is new snow… Temperatures are barely below zero these days, and this is much too warm for the season!
Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and an expression of my personal experience, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I am not responsible for the content of web-pages or media linked to this blog.
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