Business as usual
It seems that daily rituals and routines create a comfort zone, a space where every detail seems familiar. Every unforeseen turn of events occurs as something that should not have happened. By removing these rituals and routines, the comfort zone evaporates as fast as a drop of water on a hot plate. It is interesting to observe myself while I am attempting to establish new rituals and routines, and my frustration when this does not seem possible. On the other hand, I am aware that creativity has more space to unfold when I am not in my comfort zone. The best environment for being creative is emptiness. However, it seems that anxiousness hinders ideas to associate. Being concerned with survival seems to limit my horizon of attention. In that sense, being “busy” puts me in the comfort zone, where I am able to switch on the automatic pilot and cruise through the day. The price I am paying is that “great” ideas do not occur to me.
La luna
El 20 de Julio del 1969 fue mi primera noche de tele. Mis papás la habían comprado unas semanas antes, y toda la familia estaba descubriendo los programas de los dos programas disponibles en aquel entonces. Normalmente, tuve que irme a la cama a las ocho y media, aunque las películas más interesantes empezaron en esta hora. Aquella noche, mamá me dijo que no me vaya a dormir. Me explicó que iba a pasar un programa donde íbamos a ver al primer hombre en la luna. No comprendí por qué insistía tanto. Estaba cansada del día y hubiera preferido leer un rato. En aquella noche escuché la conversación entre los astronautas y el Centro Espacial Huston, comentado por un periodista alemán. No comprendí por mucho tiempo porqué “tenía que” ver este programa. Hoy sé que haber seguido este programa en vivo me incluye en un grupo muy grande de personas que tenemos una memoria de este acontecimiento.
Disclaimer: This is a personal weblog. The opinions expressed here represent my own. In addition, my thoughts and opinions change from time to time. This weblog is intended to provide a semi-permanent point in time snapshot and an expression of my personal experience, and as such any thoughts and opinions expressed within out-of-date posts may not the same, nor even similar, to those I may hold today. I am not responsible for the content of web-pages or media linked to this blog.
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